Saturday, January 28, 2012

Two soy free product raves.

Being newly soy free has taken a little getting used to. But it has had it's benefits. I have been struggling to get back down to "fighting weight" since Kitten was born. I eliminated soy and the weight seems to be rolling off. Imagine that. The most difficult challenge has been finding chocolate without soy. I am a chocoholic of the purest sense. My day doesn't feel complete without a little taste. But alas, most chocolate has soy lecithin in it as an emulsifier rather than cocoa butter because cocoa butter is expensive. Even so called organic chocolate has soy in it. Surprised? I was too. But I found two products that have changed all that.

The first is Theo chocolate bars. I found them at Whole Foods, but you can also buy in bulk from Amazon or their own website. They're a really cool company according to their website. And they are the only chocolate bar on the market (that I've found anyway) that uses cocoa butter. And you can taste the difference, in a good way.

The second discovery was Enjoy Life chocolate chips. I do a lot of home baking because of our gluten allergies and make banana chip muffins weekly as a quick breakfast. But all chocolate chips have soy. Except for Enjoy Life. These are actually gluten, dairy, soy, nut free. And still taste great because there are no fillers. I also found these at Whole Foods, but you can also get them in bulk from Amazon.

I'm thinking about doing more shopping for our allergen free products from Amazon for a little bit of savings and convenience, but right now we don't have the storage for it all. Maybe in our new house.

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